
Well, I've posted a few of my recent reviews. That'll get the content of the blog started good. I'll try to put future reviews here as I write them.

Right now, I'm reading The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay. Wow! This man amazes me every single time I pick up one of his books. I know I'll like his stuff when I start out, but he still surprises me with how good his stories are. I see lots of stars in this rating, very soon. I'm almost half way done now.

I'm also working on A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny. I've been reading with some friends, one chapter a day during the entire month of October. So we'll finish it up tomorrow. It's a cool story with suspense and some humor, as well as an Easter egg hunt for literary and movie references. Very enjoyable.

So what's next? Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time). As soon as my pre-order arrives, I might disappear from the web for a few days.


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