Review: The Rental

The Rental
The Rental by Rebecca Berto

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In disclosure, I'm noting that I was given a free eARC copy of this book by the author, who is a Goodreads friend of mine.

Also in disclosure, I'll state that I don't normally read romance novels, erotic or otherwise. I say this to put my rating in perspective; by putting it out there that this type of story isn't normally "my thing", I can show why my enthusiasm might not be as high as someone that gets off on this stuff, so to speak.

So why am I here? This is the third book I've read by Berto, each one inching a little further away from my personal comfort zone. But I figure Berto can use an honest review outside of her target audience to see just how well her written word crosses over.

It does that. Yes, I'm giving this a middle of the road rating, but it's still one that says I "like" the book. I found myself very intrigued by the story and where it was going. I cared for the characters, and downright adored Vee, the main protagonist. I often found myself on the edge of my chair, wondering what was going to happen next and how they'd push the envelope.

So what's the problem? Well, not a problem so much. I just didn't enjoy this book start to finish as much as I had the previous works I've read from this author. Precise and Being Kalli felt a lot smoother in narrative. I really think that it's the romance factor that makes it jarring for me. As I said, I'm not a reader of the genre.

But that said, there was plenty of payoff in the Holy Shit! moments. And you know, I just had to turn that page...just one more time.

So yes, it's definitely worth a read if the subject matter doesn't bunch your panties too much. But then, if you're reading my reviews, you're probably not too easily offended.

Or I'll be flagged...

Anyway, thanks again for the ARC, Rebecca. "And you, young Skywalker; we shall watch your career with great interest."

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