Review: Black Canary, Vol. 1: Kicking and Screaming
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I received a preview eARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley.
I'll start this by stating that my only experience with Black Canary is the version of the character we get on CW's Arrow universe.
So going in there, this is definitely all new. But that's okay, as it's Volume 1, right? Pretty much.
I did feel lost at times, as the story jumped around abruptly quite often. However, it came together fairly well by the end (except the very end, mind you) and made for a pretty enjoyable story. I had to pretty much throw out that idea of Canary I had going in, but that's alright.
I was intrigued by "DD", as we're introduced to Dinah. Turns out Black Canary is the band. So if we think
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