Review: Foundryside

Foundryside Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received an ebook review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

I really have mixed feelings here. This book took me two months to read, but it wasn't the fault of the writing. Initially I had a tough time getting hooked, but then I was definitely all-in for awhile. Personal events kept me from staying on track though, and by the end I was having difficulty focusing on the fine details.

That said, the worldbuilding here is phenomenal. There were some early action scenes where I could vividly picture the events through the author's prose, and it really came to life in those moments.

The last 20% or so I found hard to visualize and focus, but as I mentioned before that may be in part at least to personal distractions keeping me off track. I do think this is an author to watch, as it was my second novel to read from him.

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